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Forbes Show 2015

Our Emmaville Performance Horses team would like to thank Tim and Cherie Fahey and Forbes Show Society for running an enjoyable and well run show. The grounds, courses and smooth running of the showjumping made it very enjoyable for us all. Also a thank you to Brad Longhurst for his good courses. Thank you to our fantastic helpers who helped prepare and take care of our beautiful horses. Thank you to all of our sponsors for your ongoing support - a big thanks to Horseland Canberra!! We were ecstatic with how our clients went at Forbes and happy to see so many of our clients and Emmaville bred and trained horses in the line up! (Sarah Dreverman and Emmaville Junior, Kristle Cross with Emmaville Di Capprio, Clint Beresford and Emmaville Jitterbug, Alan West and Emmaville Ricochet just to name a few). Congratulations Everyone!! It was also great to compete and catch up with our fellow competitors from Queensland and out West.

Our team of horses all jumped very well and we had many wins and placings on our home bred and trained horses. Emmaville Define our young home bred Daley K out of Emmaville Charisma had a win and placings in the 1.35m classes, Emmaville Charisma also had a win and placings in the 1.20m classes and placing in the 6 bar. Our beautiful boy Blackall Park Atlantis won the 1.35m and the 6 bar. Yakity Yak and Emmaville Cedar also jumped great rounds over the show!

We had a great time at Forbes and definitely looking forward to it again next year.

-Emmaville Performance Horses Team


PO Box 3548, WESTON, ACT 2611


Tel: 0429 665 880

Fax: 02 6288 9888





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